Artist: Danielle Cadef
Materials: sterling silver, fine silver, black coral (found), vintage mother-of-pearl button, sea shell, brass
Dimensions: 6.5" x 3.5" x .5"
Beneficiary: I have chosen The Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC fights hate and bigotry within the US via the court system, provides educational programs to teach tolerance to children and represents and champions marginalized groups in the US.
Artist Statement: Black and White (not everything is, but there is right and wrong). I have been making a series of brooches using found objects and silk tassels since the beginning of the pandemic. Each one represents the feelings and headspace that I've been in during this time. This brooch was created in response to the ongoing social issues this country. While some would say that these issues are not black and white, there are areas of gray, but one thing is for certain, there is a right and wrong way to treat others.